HR Toolkit

We know running a company keeps you very busy, and many of our clients do not employ Human Resource specialists to assist in the day to day management. So we've started to compile resources that we feel may be useful to help you manage your staff. Below are links to useful sites which give information on Parental Leave, Unfair Dismissal, Performance Management and other important areas.

Probation and PerFormance Management

One of the most common questions we are asked is how do we manage a staff member who is not performing to expectation.

performance management

AHRI have written a detailed guide to managing the performance management process

performance review

Business Victoria Performance Review form


award information

Fair Work Awards

min wage standards

Employee pay rates and conditions, pay your staff the right amount

​ Parental Leave and Unfair & Unlawful Dismissal

parental leave

Information on Parental Leave

unfair dismissal

Information on Unfair & Unlawful Dismissal

​ Position Description templates and National Employment Standards

business victoria template

Business Victoria position description template

national employment

NES 10 minimum entitlements provided to all employees

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